Monday, September 3, 2007

By Plane, By Car-Maine and PA

(The Billings Clan outside a restaurant in Maine)

Between parents on two continents and living in some remote locales we'd like to think of ourselves as fairly seasoned travelers. However nothing prepares you for traveling with kids and well the sheer amount of STUFF that goes along with kids. Toting along 4 bags, one set of golf clubs and two car seats let alone factoring in any carryon ...the luggage cart was overflowing. I wish I had a picture to post as well...but I was too busy trying to push two strollers while Mark pushed the heavy load of travel essentials. I had been eyeing up the double Maclaren Triumph to travel with but could not succumb to adding a 5th stroller to our growing fleet. However I was definitely rethinking my decision as I was attempting to push two strollers at once!
Once we got our luggage checked it was easy street. Our flight to Baltimore was two hours and didn't involve any connections. A breeze compared to our past travels. We had a day and half lounging by the Billings pool in PA before we began the second leg of our journey. The 15 hour car ride to Northern Maine to see my grandparents. Our strategy was to leave at 2am and get a few hours under our belt before our little angels awoke at 7am. This strategy proved very advantageous as we were stopping about every two hours after that. We knew it was time to pull over and find accommodation for the night when Joshua told us that he "didn't want to see anymore road signs and he wanted to go back to Celebration, Florida!!"
The long car ride was well worth it as we had 4 great days hanging out with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. My brother Marcus and his family as well as my parents made the trip up from PA so it really was a great time spent with family. Northern Maine boasts a notoriously "slow" pace therefore we busied ourselved breathing fresh air and enjoying the company of our relatives. Joshua was trying to keep up with his older cousins and Noah well he just charms people with those fat legs of his!
We stayed in these quaint little cabins just across the border in Grand-Falls Canada and of course had some lobster!

(Hanging with my grandparents)
(Joshua and Mark before their canoe ride)

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