Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Celebration Heartache

Okay there are many aspects of moving that can be somewhat exciting - say the thought of exploring a new area, meeting new people, seeing new things, etc. The flip side is that there are many aspects to moving that quite frankly suck! I think the number one worst part being having to say good-bye to all of the wonderful people we had met - I felt like my heart was breaking - literally that is how I felt...heartbroken. Not to be dramatic but I really had met some fantastic people and were really just starting to get to know them. I was sad to not have those people in my daily lives and same for their kids. When you have just endured this same experience just TWO years ago...the scars are still visible!!

However, I have to believe that life takes you were you need to be and sometimes there is a greater plan - so as my stubborn soul bucks this move left right and center - I just have to tell myself that "there is a plan".

To all of the wonderful people we met in Orlando/Celebration - thanks for filling our hearts with yours and sharing your lives with us - thanks to all of the many people to stopped to say good-bye, came to parties, gave wondeful gifts, organized parties, etc - you all are amazing!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Boys of Summer

Mommy and her boys!

Okay I have been really behind on this blogging thing - especially since everyone wants to know what is going on with our move. I have all these blogging thoughts rambling through my head, I just seem to have a hard time lately carving out a chunk of time to actually get down and do it. In early June, after 6 weeks in Austin we headed back to Orlando, living in a hotel has its perks but we were all very ready to get back to our own home and routine. The plan was I would stay in Florida with the kids and dog until we found a house to rent in Austin or until our house in Florida sold whichever came first. We are finally in the process of signing a lease for a house to rent in Austin. We changed our focus a couple of times as to what area in Austin was best for us - however I think we have made the right choice. We will be renting in NW Austin in a master-planned community called Steiner Ranch. It is a little further of a commute for Mark than Circle C (the other area we looked at) but Steiner Ranch has more of a Celebration feel to it - plenty to do without leaving "the bubble"
It has been in many ways a really fun summer just me and the boys and in many other ways it definitely has been shall I say "challenging". I definitely have new found respect for single parents. The days were easy as we kept busy with playdates, the pool and playgroups - it was the nighttime that I found most challenging. However I have only a few more days left and then Mark comes to help move us all to Austin. Yeah!!

Joshua and his new friend Goofy!

We are very sad to be leaving Florida and saying good-bye to the amazing people we have met in our short two years here...however I'm pretty sure Mark is ready to no longer live in the hotel and I am ready to have some help with the kids. Austin will be a new adventure and I'm sure once we get settled we will enjoy our time living there.

As long as everything goes according to plan the movers will come August 11th and 12th and then we will depart Orlando on the 13th. It is a 17 hour drive to Texas, somewhat daunting with a 1 year old, 3 year old and a dog! We are going to break the trip up and enjoy a few relaxing days at Rosemary Beach on the Florida panhandle. Our joke is that the drive to Texas may very well be the most challenging part of the move.
